Morning Musings # 124 - MAKING THE TWO AS ONE - Jesus also had to overcome "separation" identity.

2 years ago

When #jesus is recorded as saying "I of myself can do nothing, but it is the #father through me, that does the works" even Jesus had to wrestle with a #separation mindset #separationisanillusion that he had to resolve to close during his earth days. I mean it stands to reason, because it is said that he #suffered in every #way that we did, except without #sin .

That's probably not accurately translated, but what happened is through his own wrestle he had to break down the #middle wall of #partition and made #peace within himself. And finally when he did, he could say "I and the Father are one". But while he was saying that "I in myself can do nothing, it is the Father that does the work", that is the #awareness of a #mind that sees itself separate from #god and diminishes that aspect.

It divides the #human into #lesser and #higher , into #me and into #god and that is separation mentality. That I am different from God, and that I can do #nothing and God can do #everything . That is clearly a split mind a #split #identity and that is what keeps us in a #disconnected disempowered state.

However that was translated in English, I mean the English #bible has made such a mess of the #real #gospel . It's no longer a gospel in the English Bible, it is a #perversion . But to come back to my point... Jesus being born and having to grow up and suffer in the same way that all of us suffer, yet without sin... is that he too suffered from his #dual mind , the #carnal mind fighting against the #spirit .

And towards the end... he closed that dual gap, the middle wall of partition. He broke it down and made it into #one mind, One soul, One spirit, and he could declare that "I and the Father AM One". And anyone that ascends and reaches that level of #consciousness is because they too inner-stand that they and the Father are one... there is no two, it's just One.
#oneness #onlyway #truegospel #truth #truthordare #truthoflife #truegospelmessages #121

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