History Timelines | Historical Timeline Figures | Hands On History | Home School in the Woods

2 years ago

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I have always loved history and that love is something I want to pass on to my kids. One of the ways I make history more meaningful in My Homeschool with a View is by incorporating hands on history resources, like historical timelines.

For years I have use the hands on history resources from Home School in the Woods and love the convenience of having everything in one place with the Printable Essential Timeline Library.

Home School in the Woods makes it easy for busy homeschool parents to incorporate historical timeline figures into their history lessons. Everything is in a convenient, ready-to-print package.
It’s never too early or too late to incorporate history timelines into your homeschool. The Printable Essential Timeline Library can be used as soon as you begin to teach your child history. A timeline notebook is something that your child can hold on to and keep beyond high school graduation. My perspective now as my kids are getting older is that a timeline notebook is something they will grow and mature into, not out of.
The Printable Essential Timeline Library can be used with any history curriculum. The helpful placement guide will help you match up the timeline events with what your student is currently learning. I have personally used the timeline figures successfully with a few different history curricula.
Home School in the Woods has served me well over the years with hands-on history curriculum for my homeschool. My boys have great memories of using some of the Time Travelers and Lap Paks. There is so much good stuff offered on their website, and they offer the best history timelines and lapbooks for homeschooling that I have found.
I will never be able to teach my kids everything about history by the time we are done homeschooling, but I hope to instill a love of learning history through hands on history resources like history timelines and historic timeline figures.

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