Reading Comprehension Level 1 Lesson 4 Fact Based Story about Alpacas

3 years ago

Awesome Reading Comprehension Level 1 Lesson 4
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Today we will learn about Reading Comprehension and use my book called Awesome Reading Comprehension Level 4. I will show you how to answer reading comprehension questions the easy way. First, we will take a look at the questions for the story. When you answer reading comprehension questions, the best thing to do first is to read the questions. Reading the questions helps you know what to look for in the story. After we have looked at the questions, we can read the story once to try and get an understanding of what the story is about. Now, we will look back at the questions and try to find exactly what they need us to look for in the story.
I will teach you a trick on how to read a question see which part you need to find in the story. Hint: The verb/action is what is most important and the biggest key word on where the answer will be in the story.

Join me as we learn Reading Comprehension the easy way together.
Remember to get your copy of Awesome Reading Comprehension
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and practice along with me. Take advantage of all of the additional exercises and learn over 500 vocabulary words as well.

1. What is this story about?

2. How do you know alpacas are social?

3. What do alpacas have that humans want?

4. How can you make an alpaca a good pet?

5. How many wild alpacas are there?

6. Why were Vicuñas domesticated 6,000 years ago?

Alpacas are cute animals. They are social, which means they like to have lots
of other alpacas, humans, and other animals as friends. They are between 120
- 225 centimeters long, and weigh 55 to 65 kilos. Alpacas have soft wool, which
humans can make warm clothes out of. Alpacas are found all over the world and
with training can become great pets. They like to hum, but will shriek when danger
is present. Sometimes, if an alpaca is in danger or wants to protect itself, it will spit
at the offending person or animal. Spitting can be used to show their dominance.

There are no wild alpacas in the world, only domesticated. “Domesticated”
means that humans give them homes. Animals like dogs and cats are domesticated,
too. Alpacas were domesticated about 6000 years ago from wild vicuñas. Vicuñas
are a wild animal. Vicuñas are like ancestors to alpacas. Alpacas will have babies
once a year. They grow babies in their stomachs for 242 to 345 days. Alpaca babies
are called “cria.”

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