Video 12 - Are There Marketing Magic Equations or Formulas

2 years ago
3 ... Dave Smith ...
There exists magic formulas and equations to grow your business
beyond belief ... IMJustice Marketing knows many ... (321) 622-5756

How would you like a simple, proven, and tested way you can double your profits with little time, effort or expense on your part? In fact, what if I could give you a formula that will create massive exponential growth for your business … starting immediately?

If you ask any Small Business Owner what they need most in their business, you get the same two answers every time … more clients and more revenue.

But here’s the problem. That ISN’T what most Business Owners want.
Oh sure, they want more clients, but what does it take to produce more clients?
First, you MUST generate leads … and then you MUST convert those leads into clients. By breaking down the end result of wanting more clients into the vital components required to generate them, namely leads and conversions, you can now put together a specific strategy and plan of action to attain that end result.

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As for revenue, what does it take to produce more revenue?
First, once you generate leads and convert those leads into clients, those clients will be paying you a specific value for what you sell. So sale value is the first component in the revenue equation. But it doesn’t stop there.

You have expenses to pay and those expenses come directly out of that revenue you just generated, so the next revenue component to consider is your margin. How MUCH of that revenue do you actually get to put into your pocket? But you’re still not done. If your client only buys from you one time, you’re right back where you started. Now you need to generate a new batch of leads and convert them into clients.

What if instead you could compel your clients to increase the number of transactions they complete with you year after year? NOW you have something to build upon. Here’s the bottom line.

There are five critical steps that every Small Business Owner MUST address in order to attract new clients and generate more revenue … Leads, Conversions, Average Sale Value, Number of Transactions and Profit Margins. So, I back up those steps with some specific numbers to illustrate exactly how this works. And it's "magical"!

My Methods To Help The Small Business Owner Grow

The 2nd magical formula is called the Marketing or Conversion Equation ... It is the basis of all your Marketing and Advertising. To interrupt, engage, educate, and then offer ... And I explain this thoroughly in my Business Coaching. Most Business Owners all over the globe do this 100% wrong ... And nobody ever tells them why that is, or fixes it ... And what it is costing them ...

IMJustice Marketing ... Dave Smith
Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida 32940
(321) 622-5756 … main website … BLOG

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There exists magic formulas and equations to grow your business
beyond belief ... IMJustice Marketing knows many ... (321) 622-5756

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