Not "Entering Azerbaijan Illegally"

3 years ago

Today I returned to the disputed zone that lead to the Armenia - Azerbaijan war, Republic of Artsakh / Nagorno-Karabakh, via Armenia. I give you a tour and point out many things about the residents of Artsakh. Last month I spent two weeks under the intense attack of the war showing the world what is happening. Some pro-Azerbaijan people say crossing this border is breaking Azerbaijan law. I point out that they just dont want the war crimes that Azerbaijan has committed to continue to come to light.

I have just returned to Karabakh / Artsakh and it is time to cover more of the Armenia Azerbaijan War aftermath. As I am a completely independent and crowdfund Journalist. I need your help to fund my major extended project here. Please donate now via my gofundme page
Or via Sberbank Russia card number: 4817760356637581
but most of all SHARE SHARE SHARE to get the word out

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