October Monthly Man-Update

3 years ago

Father Jonathan Gibson records a message for us on the Memorial of Saint Padre Pio where he recounts how a vision of St. Padre Pio’s courage and generosity and how it leads to the promise of a splendid crown.

Quoting St. Paul VI, Father shows us the example of Padre Pio:

“Look what fame he had. What a world wide following gathered around him. But why? Perhaps because he was a philosopher, because he was wise, because he had resources at his disposal? No! It was because he said Mass humbly, heard confessions from dawn to dusk and was one who bore the wounds of our Lord. He was a man of prayer and suffering.”

Using the day’s first reading from Haggai 1:2-8, Father teaches that the Lord wants us to grow in generosity, by putting the eternal first and the temporal second.

“Let us be men like the beautiful honeycomb, exuding a sweetness, a generosity and love that is a result of our combating the devil in our own lives with the help of Jesus so that we extend the nectar, the beauty of His Love.

St. Padre Pio, pray for us and help us be men of generosity.”

#GodSquad #PadrePio #Generosity

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