Ep. 5414 – Doug Bandow on the Lost Opportunities of the Trump Administration – 11/13/2020

4 years ago

Scott interviews Doug Bandow about the missed foreign policy opportunities of the Trump administration. Bandow laments that Trump didn’t push harder to get U.S. troops out of our wars in the Middle East, theorizing that he was worried the political cost in the eyes of wealthy donors like Sheldon Adelson would outweigh the benefits in terms of popularity with voters. Bandow hopes that Trump’s policy toward North Korea, at least, will be preserved in the next administration—a policy that recognizes that North Korea is no threat to America so long as America doesn’t first threaten Korea. The South Korea-led peace talks that Trump participated in nearly led to an official end to the Korean War, says Bandow, and were only sabotaged because Trump had surrounded himself with bad advisors who didn’t really want things to work out. Sadly this has been the story of Trump’s whole four years in office.

Check out the interview page here: https://scotthorton.org/interviews/11-13-20-doug-bandow-on-the-lost-opportunities-of-the-trump-administration/

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