Conspiracy Uncovering

2 years ago

Yuval Noah Harari is now talking openly about these things. As is his boss Klaus Schwab.
I was hauled away for "being too thin" on one paper; and then "making claims about famous people" on another secret admission paper I wasn't allowed to see but was dropped. Why? I'd been talking about Elon Musk, and why he'd be zeroing in on cloud technology with a former Boots Walgreens VP he'd just hired along with Larry Ellison from Oracle.

Why were these questions not allowed three years ago? They were planning to have people get sick and injected with trackable "solutions.".
The last thing they wanted was a nosey independent citizen journalist alerting the public.
Satan Cat had to tell everyone I was crazy. Like David Icke, so I'd not have any credibility. Whomever told lies like that about me, and others, have a lot of blood on their hands.
I was tortured and denied basic human rights.

When this account disappears, you'll find videos under the same account name on iconnectfx.
I'm on my fifth (roughly) YT account. I'm banned for life on Twitter and I just find Fakebook obnoxious. Ta.

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