rehab (the one I'm in) a joke. zoom class, teachers and classes are a joke. (COVID lockdown)

2 years ago

I knew before I came here it was to good to be true, the food is so bad, you have to go to these classes with what seem to be almost special Ed types, they are all here getting medicated up, insurance is paying for it. the best thing is to read books like "the steps we took" by Joe McQuany aka Joe McQ and keep away from everyone, it's a co-ed place and they let you have your phones. most of the people don't even need the meds they are passing out. it's possibly a more chill place to try and "Dry out" . alot of riff Raff and no organized actual recovery, they just want the insurance money. I'm going to get out of here and start my life ASAP. I really wish I had just done something different. my g.f. wanted me out and to get help, she wanted a clean break without feeling like she was "making e homeless" I figured I would be coming back to the apartment after this, not her plans, I don't want to go to my uncle's. I'm probably going to to to Raleigh and just be homeless, but not for long, get a job. I dunno. kinda just stuck in limbo, I have only enough money for a flight. either to Raleigh, (I have a car I need to get legal, and a limo or bus to sleep in, I know the area and maybe can feel more comfortable networking into a new life) or to Nashville where my "g.f." is I guess we are broken up since I lied so much about being high, i was still paying my half and had a job I also bought alot of the food, I could be more comfortable being there. I've never felt at home anywhere. this place is a circus. I'm not going to say what place it is, because that would be illegal.
I'm locked down in a wing of a building because I got sick with COVID. the food they give you I wouldn't give to anyone who's recovering from drugs and alcohol abuse, it's food I would only eat if I was stoned out of my mind and had the munchies. I should of just got a therapist in Nashville, or just done some kind of short term detox or place to go to and then went and moved back in with the g.f. and went and seen some therapist and gone to like 2 a.a. or n.a. or what ever 12 meetings I could get to and I feel like that would of been a better decision. I'll be ok.but I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

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