Fuellmich Exposes Crimes Against Humanity, Vaxxed Mil Pilot Kills, Canadians March on Trudeau

2 years ago

Tuesday, June 13th, The Stew Peters Show brings you a new show that will have you ready to fight the Globalist Agenda like never before!

Reiner Fuellmich is a German Lawyer who has collected evidence showing crimes against humanity.

James Topp is determined to march across all of CANADA for the right to freedom! He joins The Stew Peters Show to discuss his journey and more!

A US Marine joins to tell The Stew Peters Show that the COVID vaccines could have responsibility for sudden Naval plane crashed.

Maria Zeee brings breaking news from Australia, where citizens are now being forced to take annual COVID clot shots & expose themselves to pedophile drag shows.

Watch this new show NOW at StewPeters.com!

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