Senator BLASTS Biden & His Admin

2 years ago

Energy prices are rising. Gas prices are skyrocketing.

Our country was energy independent, and even energy exporters just twenty-four months ago. It’s mind-boggling. How did things get so out of control? How did we get flipped upside down on energy? Why does President Biden now have to go to Saudi Arabia, a country he called “a pariah” with “no redeeming social value” to now play nice with a Saudi prince and pose for photo ops in order to ask for help?

But perhaps the biggest question is – a question some in Congress are even asking –
was this energy crisis truly unforeseeable, or is the Biden Administration allowing it to happen on purpose? And if so, why?

Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn shared why she believes that the current economic woes that are crashing down on working Americans may be intentional on the part of the Biden Administration and why:

"This is implementing the Green New Deal through Executive Fiat and Executive Orders because they knew they could not get it through Congress. So this is how they’re trying to achieve their end, and of course, they justify what they’re doing because they’ve wanted five dollars a gallon gas for quite a period of time now. They feel like people will drive less. People will begin to seek out alternatives. They will go for hybrid cars. They will go for electric cars. But see the Left never stops to realize that there’s a whole lot of us that can’t afford an electric car, that don’t have $60,000 to spend on a vehicle, and that we’re depending on having those automobiles that are going to use regular gas."

The Senator also laid out some commonsense steps we can all take, and that the Biden Administration could take right now, to offer the American people some relief:

"We need the American people to be pressuring this White House, because they’re completely out of step with where the American people are on this. We’ve gotten to a crisis situation when the price of a gallon of gas nationally is five dollars, the average is five dollars. What they could do today if they wanted to is to reverse some of these Executive Orders that they have put in place on the energy sector, like the Keystone Pipeline, like taking Alaska offline, like taking offshore drilling offline, like ending fracking. They could also begin to lift some of the regulations. Joe Biden has put in place 69 regulations since he went into office. The majority of those are centered on the energy sector. So halt the regulations that you have put in place and then it would give us time through the Congressional Review Act to pull these forward for review by Congress, for Congress to have an up or down vote on this. Those are things that can be put in place today."

Sen. Blackburn also pointed out how President Biden could have easily prevented this situation by simply NOT shutting down domestic oil production:

"They have stopped production here. Here is something with the Keystone Pipeline, if he restarted it today – and by the way, it would have been finished by late 2022, this year, had he not stopped it – but getting that in place is 830,000 barrels of oil per day. Right now, we are importing just under 700,000 barrels of oil per day. Get these drill permits out to wildcatters, independents, big oil companies that have leases but cannot drill on those leases because the Biden Administration is not giving them the drilling permits."

So there are solutions that could at least ease the problem – if not fix it – at his fingertips, and yet President Biden is choosing instead to go beg the Saudis for oil. Is Senator Blackburn correct? Is this all intentional?

After all, it was Biden who said on the campaign trail that if he was elected there “will be no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period” and that he was envisioning “an irreversible path towards doing away with fossil fuels.”

Regardless of whether his intentions were noble or nefarious, this President literally warned us he would crush the oil industry if elected, and now we don’t have enough oil, and Americans are paying $5, $6, $7 a gallon, and rising. It was well under $3 in most areas when he took office seventeen months ago.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes even more in-depth analysis of the current energy crisis and the response from the Biden Administration with Senator Blackburn. We’re also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell to discuss President Biden’s upcoming trip to Saudi Arabia.

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