Acupuncture in dogs why and when to do it.

2 years ago

Acupuncture in dogs why and when to do it.
The Chinese technique that aims to help in the treatment of pain through the use of needles, now being widely used in dogs too. The area of integrative medicine is gaining more and more space in the field of veterinary medicine, and acupuncture in dogs has become a common therapy among pets.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique, performed by inserting needles into specific points on the body where nerve endings are located.
When these needles enter these points, there is a stimulation of these points, which promotes pain relief, reduces anxiety and stress, and complements the treatment of diseases.
As the oriental technique became known in the West, other types of acupuncture became known, among them veterinary acupuncture. It may seem strange to put needles in pets to treat diseases or relax them, but it is actually an amazing treatment!
The Chinese have applied the acupuncture technique to animals for centuries, especially horses, which are considered essential animals for agriculture. After it became popular, veterinarians began to study this technique to apply not only to large animals, but also to smaller ones, and the results were very positive!
This therapy promotes changes from sensory, motor, visceral, hormonal, and immunological functions, to the brain. Therefore, we can say that acupuncture improves blood flow, stimulates immune function, and promotes pain relief.
It also helps in motor recovery, normalization of organic functions, regularization of immunity, endocrine functions, activation of regenerative processes, and causes relaxation of the animal.
Did you know that the needles of the treatment have different sizes according to the size of the patient, but none of them have any type of injected medicine? Acupuncture in dogs relieves pain and treats diseases without any medication, only with the technique!
Does it hurt? Isn't it dangerous? Because it is a technique that uses needles, acupuncture in dogs can cause several doubts, but, in fact, the technique does not make the pet feel pain - quite the opposite!
The canine acupuncture promotes many benefits for back pain, gastritis, paralysis, cystitis, convulsions, tendinitis, strokes, psychological pregnancy, arthrosis, herniated discs and fertility problems.
In addition to these diseases, dermatitis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and even psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and hyperactivity can be treated with acupuncture. Dogs submitted to chemotherapy and surgeries can also be rehabilitated through this technique.
As it is a delicate technique, never try to apply it alone at home! Don't look for how to do acupuncture in dogs on the internet. The acupuncture points in dogs are different from those in humans.

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