WTD ep.52 William Ramsey 'Alfred Kinsey'

1 year ago

William Ramsey returns to Wake the Dead to discuss one of history's most influential people on today's satanic culture. Alfred Kinsey is responsible for inculcating false axioms into the zeitgeist of our culture based on moral relativism, solipsism, and abuse of children. He was chosen by the Rockefeller foundation to do just that. We can say the current environment regarding sexualization of children and gender ambiguity all started with the 'work' of Alfred Kinsey. He was a pederast and a sadomasochist. Listed in his book 'Sexual Behavior in the Human Male' are tables describing the sadomasochistic abuse of children as young as 2 months old. Somehow this became the basis of all sexual education in schools, churches, government, etc... It has been an unfolding of evil since Kinsey in the 40's and it has progressed to the point where paedophilia is considered just another sexual preference, like homosexuality. This is a total negation of the effect abuse has on children. Kinsey wrote specifically that despite the child victim's cries and attempts to flee being raped by an adult, the victims "derive definite pleasure from the situation". This sick denial of the child's experience and promotion of abuse is what modern day paedophiles use to justify their behavior. It doesn't matter how scientific the information may seem, it is born from the rape and abuse of infants. It is not scientific at all, it is simply satanic.

Find William's work here: https://www.williamramseyinvestigates.com/

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