2 years ago

1680 years ago, men had our second great falling away from the objective truth of God 2 Thess. 2:10. Satan resumed his rule over humanity by convincing us that we could be like God and give to the world our religions, bibles, and moral standards Gen. 3:3-5. Because it is irrational/ insane/suicidal to stand up against the kingdom of God with the kingdoms of men, to choose death Gen 2:17 over every spiritual blessing in Christ (Consider the Gnostics who tried to debate Christ!), the Lord hid away His face, agape love, and Bible. He gave us a strong delusion so we could not understand that death and suffering were because of the subjective truth and pseudo-science of men Gen. 2:17 and that life came from obeying the supernatural objective truth from God! It was not until we suffered enough to lose faith in the ways of men that we could read and understand; that it is the doctrine of men that we need to be saved from Acts 2:40; Rev. 18:4. Regardless of your desires, the second coming of Christ is soon 2 Peter 3; Rev. 22:20, and the kingdom of God will again break up and consume all of the kingdoms of men, just as it did at the first coming Dan. 2:44.

Religions of men were never a rational concept that we would have chosen. The Greek words for sects, denominations, or religions of men are "heresies" and "Gnosticism." We divide heresies into groups and categories to condemn some groups, but every wind of subjective truth and pseudo-science of every person in religions of men is the cause of human suffering, even if it comes from people trying to do right.

We were saved, by grace, and never by the doctrine of men. The Lord desired that we suffer patiently James 5:11 until the world was populated with billions. He wanted us to learn through the school of hard knocks that this perverse generation is what we need salvation from Acts 2:40.

Only the second coming of the Lord and the supernatural objective truth from Christ can free us from every wind of the doctrine of men John 8:32; Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30.

WWIII is a sad and terrifying war for those who have sold their souls to Satan but is a great opportunity for those who are poor in spirit and transform our minds by seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. If you want to join us in contending for the one true faith and learning how to be a Christian for the first time in 1680 years, you can join us at Christ's Assembly on Facebook or Pillar & Ground of Truth Publishing Co. on YouTube.

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