Conscious (R)evolution Lovestream pt 2: Ayahuasca, Reincarnation, Transmuting Fear

3 years ago

Saturday I am bringing back the Subscriber Qn'A, but now in a Lovestream format. Questions include "what exactly it is I think I'm doing and why I am doing it." I will frame this in reference to the concept of Conscious (R)evolution. We will talk about the various stages of development that all awakening persons will pass through, and how that ultimately translates to actionable ideas, meaningful transformation, and what we hope that will mean in relation to society at-large. Some in-depth analysis of common manifestations of faulty perception and the underlying psychological influences that compel them will be the meat and potatoes here. Also, taking the "woo" out of spirituality will be a constant theme, as per usual.
Speaking of woo, another subscriber asked, "Why is there so much conspiracy crap and new agey b.s. all over the plant medicine groups on Facebook, and in the community in general." And, boy, do I have an answer. Disconcerting, frightening even. Remember, though...this too shall pass.
We will also get deep into the subject of reincarnation in anticipation of my upcoming "Reincarnation Reveal" video. We will consider some of the evidence in favor of reincarnation, and alternative explanations for even the most convincing experiences and situations. A revelation on this subject popped into me heads brain last night at what I weres resting, and so that'll be squiggled out into your ear-worms place of rest. After a time's while, it will re-earncarnate into a flutterby, bringing new life with its pollen put-ers. The same plants it used to ate it'll then cause to proliferate by way of its newfound perspective. But I'm giving away too much.
Another dear soul inquired about the tiresome drudgery of coming to terms with transience, the inescapable conundrum of duality; more or less asking "How do we overcome the Dark Night of the Soul? The Crossing of the Abyss? Existential dread/crisis?" I will do my best to alleviate the spiritual burdens that all of these things lay upon the shoulders of every Aspirant, by way of advice informed by wisdom earned the hard way. By experience. We all will enter this phase; some never exit. If it hasn't happened to you, you just aren't there yet. This will basically be a discourse on staying positive.
Last (but probably not really; we will diverge into other stuff here and there), we will discuss the role of entheogens in all of this. I will complain a bit on behalf of the traditions that we are losing to the influence of the Ayahuasca industry, but mostly we will talk about responsible and effective use strategies, and even some dietary accommodations that can be made that will enhance your capacity to make gains from entheogenic investitures. Here is a link that is worth reading in reference to this last term. I had never used it when I typed it, and only googled it to see if I had spelled it correctly. See you Saturday.
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#consciousness #revolution #psychedelics #reincarnation #ascensionsymptoms #dmt #ayahuasca #entheogens #higherconsciousness #psychology #politics2020 #stayingpositive #existentialcrisis #thirdeye #awakening

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