2 years ago

The cartoon stars the harbinger of Porky Pig, Piggy, his girlfriend Fluffy, a canine Uncle Tom, and mostly black passengers. Piggy is a riverboat pilot, like Mickey Mouse in Disney's 1928 film "Steamboat Willie". Fluffy reunites with him and joins the frolicking steamboat passengers. However, during the revelry Piggy falls overboard, gets slapped by the paddle wheel, and is attached by an alligator, but he makes it back to the riverboat. Concurrently, Uncle Tom's donkey bucks him into a cemetery. There, he is frightened by three dancing skeletons like those in Disney's 1929 cartoon "The Skeleton Dance. Uncle Tom escapes to the middle of the river, but a shoddy boat leaves him stranded and drowning. Piggy saves him but has to deal with a villain who kidnaps Fluffy. Piggy captures the villain on a passing mail hook, leaving the villain tortured over a buzz saw. This short is the second and last appearance of the characters Piggy and Fluffy, followed later by Porky and Petunia Pig.

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