Aligning with Purpose | Weekly Astrology 23 - 29 November 2020

4 years ago

The astrology of the week of 23 November 2020 – 29 November 2020 is in many ways a quiet week, a calm week as we begin to accelerate into eclipse season. It’s a time for surrender, to let life in and let life overtake us. There’s one aspect that perfects this week: Jupiter in Capricorn makes a sextile to Mercury in Scorpio. There’s always deeper to go and other ways to get into the astrology.

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Tarot Decks:
Le Tarot de Marseille (Fournier):
Tarot of Marseille (Lo Scarabeo):
The Medieval Scapini Tarot:

Playing Cards:
Bicycle Standard Playing Cards:

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#astrology #WeeklyAstrology #Mercury

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