Madonna & Magic Symbols Psychic Reading

2 years ago

Madonna and magic symbols like eye of ra or horus etc.
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Very strong attention to detail, observant like a tiger stalking their prey.
Studying people and situations to figure out the best way to push her way to her goals.
Researching online to figure people out.
Fiery passion and her will power are magic tools to get what she wants in life. Her intention is very strong and she knows this, "clever girl".
She is living in a mans world, but able to manipulate it to what she wants with her queen like energy and goddess domination power. She is very individualistic and goal oriented. She doesn't care what others think. When powerful men work with her she is willing to obey and follow orders in exchange for their benefits. Their power and their benefits melt her. It is as if the king is giving her a gift by the grace of his spirit (how she feels). She is even willing to go through trials and tribulations of humiliation in order to overcome the challenge and rise over it. She is very powerful and willing to go through anything in order to rise above it. She has been told to be more humble in regards to situations with these more powerful men and accepted. This was in exchange for a gift to her career - although this was after she was already famous. This was a little past half way through her career. This was to give her power and keep her fame in the media/world as she ages. She will be supported by the industry (music? corporate industry)
She is more involved with her home life and getting her personal life up to standards of her external public life. She is working on finding comfort in her life. Exuberant comfort, wild cat designs, soft clothing material. She feels more like a superstar now than she did in her prime. She is learning to be more her authentic self rather than following orders and appeasing the desires of the external world for fame. She is done walking through the shit in order to gain the glory. She is loyal to these men in power who have treated her well in her life. She feel fondly towards them. They have changed her life forever and she is eternally grateful.
These men made deals to work with her after she was famous because they saw potential in her and the ability to have longevity in her career, which they have also helped harden into place for long term. These men are very rich and powerful. Their influence has to do with timing and dates of the calendar to have significant effects on the planet. This would cause her to rise to fame. This seems to be astrologically related on symbolic level. She views these men as enlightened. They are beyond simply business men, they are spiritual and she has a fondness in her heart for the spirituality and power of these men. It is top notch refined and perfected spiritual power in her eyes and she is grateful to be allowed to be part of it.
The symbols they use are symbols that have bigger meanings from past lives that trigger people to have sensations of the importance and meaning associated with it. This drives up their commercial success.
This is to create more attention on these symbols which brings them more power in a magical/spiritual sense. Pixies/fairies. This is not necessarily for evil or good, it is simply to create stronger tools (symbols).

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