Who is Elena Danaan?

3 years ago

My name is Elena Danaan. I am an awakener. I came here to help an guide humanity reconnecting with their true nature and power, and embracing their sovereignty. I came from a place very far away from here, and like many others I chose as a mission of heart, to come and help humanity of Earth in their great awakening.

I was born into this existence from a long ancient line of Baltic shamans. I travelled this planet and worked many years as a field archaeologist. Mainly in Egypt, working for the french and Egyptian governments, in Luxor, Karnak, Cairo, the Valley of the Kings and Dendera. I was initiated there, into the secrets and rituals of ancient Egyptian magic. I followed later the path of the ancient Druids to complete my knowledge and the connection with the magic of the Universe. Certified druidess and celtic priestess, I worked at service to the human community, in Ireland, until the day I embraced my mission fully, as an awakener for the greater human community of Earth and an emissary of the galactic federation of worlds.

Contactee and experiencer since my earliest childhood, i share the knowledge i ave learned from my ET protectors, for the benefit of humankind. I wrote: "A Gift From The Stars", a book that tells the story of my abduction at the age of 9 by aliens from Zeta Reticuli, and my rescue by benevolent ETs from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, who have been protecting me all my life, and with whom I remain in contact to this day. This book includes not only my true story but also the complete repertoire of the alien races involved with earth, a star map showing where they come from, their different agendas, all the alliances, federations and councils, illustrated by myself.
I am also the author of "Resilience", and the French fantasy saga "Shandora". Artist, musician, singer, I use my talents at the service of the greater community of the human species.

I cam here to tell you that we, people, are the disclosure, that we have the power and that we always had it, because it is to us that belongs the sovereignty pf this planet. We are extremely powerful. The great awakening has started, And this process is exponential. In this historical liberation from long millenniums of slavery, I have the privilege to take your hand and guide you to reach the next level in the evolution of consciousness, and enter the galactic community as equal beings, free. May you walk and work in the light, and may you be Light. Because this is what you are made of.

---Visit my website: https://www.elenadanaan.org/

---"A Gift From The Stars" is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

---GAB: Elena Danaan

---Patreon: Pleiadean Contacts

---Earth is spherical and I don't sell Merkabas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IevCi7maSc

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