Amazon Flex UK | How to Cancel a Block | Claiming Adjustments | Get Paid | Cancel Work | Tutorial

4 years ago

In todays Amazon Flex UK Tutorial we are going to go into a little more detail on how to go about claiming adjustments (that is getting paid extra when you've had to work over your delivery block time!) and we are also going to look into how to cancel a block.
It's important to claim adjustments when you go over your allotted working hours because, let's face it, if you've worked for it then you should get paid for it and it's not as if Amazon are short of a few quid!
We also look at the importance of leaving the correct amount of time before we cancel work.
I do hope this tutorial will be useful to new amazon flex drivers or delivery partners and that it's helpful and provides some useful information. Particularly if you're maybe not too familiar with the app and feel like a little extra app tutorial would be of use to you.
I will show you step by step how to cancel a block, claim an adjustment (get paid overtime basically) and some other bits of useful information.

This is not so much an amazon flex review as an expansion on my previous tutorial video.

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