Shoigu's STUNNING statement: Russia will destroy the weapons supplied by the West to Ukraine!

2 years ago

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at a meeting of the leadership of the Russian Armed Forces made a stunning statement, I quote: "Any transport of the North Atlantic Alliance that arrived on the territory of Ukraine with weapons or materiel for the needs of the Ukrainian armed forces is considered by us as a legitimate target for destruction."
In addition, Shoigu said:
A peaceful life is being established in the territories of the LPR, DPR and Ukraine liberated from nationalists. Including in Mariupol, the largest industrial and transport hub on the Sea of ​​Azov. This city is under the control of the Russian army. In accordance with the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the remnants of the militants located in the industrial zone of the Azovstal plant are securely blocked along the entire perimeter of this territory. Repeated proposals to the nationalists to release civilians and lay down their arms with a guarantee of saving lives and decent treatment in accordance with international law, they ignored.

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