Liberty Conspiracy - CDC Ends 'COVID Test' For Intnl Flight Arrivals, We Expose CDC

2 years ago

Take a look at this coverage of the change in CDC "policy", and see why not only the CDC is illegitimate according to their US Constitution, but also that claims of federal "power" over immigration are illegitimate, as well. This might help students of history -- and anyone interested in understanding the US Constitution. Even though none of us signed the thing as some kind of real contract, the politicians the their bureaucrats and military swear oaths to abide by it. Thus, we can gain intellectual ammunition by knowing how THEIR rules are supposed to operate. Check it out, and please feel free to subscribe at Rumble, Bitchute, or Odysee. Gardner is on Twitter under @GardGoldsmith and on Gab as @GardnerGoldsmith and you also can find his substack here: and see Gard's work at and the MRCTV YouTube and Rumble channels! Be Seeing You!

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