Lucretia Hughes Klucken - House Hearings on “Protecting Our Kids Act” 2022 Part 03 DC Project * PITD

2 years ago

Lucretia Hughes Klucken - House Hearings on “Protecting Our Kids Act” 2022 Part 03 DC Project * PITD
An excerpt from the hearing on #ProtectingOurKidsAct and #GunFreeZones after #Uvalde. Find more on Lucretia Hughes Klucken here:
“We call on Congress to ban gun-free zones, fund non-partisan firearms education programs like KidSafe Foundation and non-government mental health organizations like Hold My Guns. Members of Congress appreciate the role armed security plays in their lives. This Capitol is surrounded by its own police force who carry firearms. The debate is really between “safety from guns” and “safety with guns.” Most legislators here are not against weapons; they are just against the citizenry of having firearms and using them illegally. The Center for Disease Control estimates that civilians use firearms for self-defense more than 500,000 times to nearly 3 million times per year, making it apparent that restricting guns would leave up to 3 million people defenseless and potential victims. For over 30 years, several major cities have adopted the strictest gun control policies. But, years of evidence indicate these policies do not work. The results are the same. What is obvious is that average citizens are less capable of defending themselves, criminals are emboldened, crime soars, and communities are less safe. These cities would be the shining example of gun control success if these policies worked.”

“On March 23, 2021, Dr. Suzanna Hupp testified before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, she also testified in 1993, 2013, and 2018 and her message did not change. Mass killers prefer gun-free zones, magazine capacity limits are ineffective, and she was legislated out of the means to protect herself. Further, she holds legislators responsible for her parent’s death. She adeptly argues that gun control laws fail to protect and cost lives.”

The DC Project-
The DC Project raises awareness that firearms safety and violence prevention are achieved through education, not legislation; encourages the preservation of America’s gun culture; and highlights the diversity and rising demographic of female gun owners through ongoing advocacy because gun rights are women’s rights.

Find the Full Hearing on PBS News Hour:
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I am a proud American, blessed father, a staunch 2A activist and a Marine Corps Veteran that just happens to be 100% blind. This is a look at the Second Amendment, firearms, self Defense, Constitutionally protected rights, Liberty and Freedom from the perspective of a Visually Impaired, Blind American. #PatriotInTheDark If you like what you seen here, please consider showing your support on Patreon: Also check out our Spreadshirt Shop for Swag: Also find us here:$/invite/@PatriotInTheDark:0 Disclaimer: No purchase necessary, must abide by all state and federal laws. Void where prohibited. No Puppies or sighted people were hurt during the filming of these videos.

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