3 years ago

I will be interviewing live Valerie M.L. O'Horgan, who just published her book: “My Memories of Elizabeth Klarer”. Valerie will share with us her experiences, memories and information that Elizabeth shared with her.
---To contact Valerie and buy her book please write to:

---link to the original documentary about Elizabeth:

Elizabeth Klarer wrote the book “Beyond the Light Barrier” which describes her experiences with a UFO and its pilot, Akon, from the planet Meton which orbits Proxima Centauri. As at 2021, as far as I know, The Gravity Files, Elizabeth Klarer’s second book, is still to be published.
Twenty-two scientists from around the world gave Elizabeth a standing ovation in Wiesbaden, Germany in 1975, for her speech entitled “The Secrets of Light”. She also lectured to NASA and the House of Lords and worked for the South African Defence Force and the RAF. She obtained a meteorology diploma from Girton College, Cambridge, UK and qualified as a pilot.
The author is an amateur astronomer and has been since young childhood, belonging to many astronomical societies locally and world-wide, as well as the IUAA, and has met Patrick Moore and Jack Bennett, who discovered Bennett’s Comet.
The author concluded an EDx X-Series Programme in Astrophysics and Cosmology through the Australian National University with lecturing professor who won the Nobel prize; taken part in various modules in Astronomy through the Open University, UK and participated in taking photographs and observations with the online remote telescope at Tenerife to contribute to, and record, the light curves of variable stars, to assist professional astronomers with their work, and which is on-going as a citizen scientist; and completed various EDx modules in Theology and English as well as a module in Meteorology through Harvard University;
She has appeared on the USA Jeff Rense Show, speaking about Elizabeth, along with other friends and family of hers, which had a re-run due to the success of the first show, as well as appearing twice on the SABC’s” 3-Talk” television show and e-TV’s “Morning Live” show in the early 2000s.

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