‘Mysterious’ Cases Of Sudden Death: Are We Stupid Or Are We Just Being Treated As If We’re Stupid?

1 year ago

‘Mysterious’ Cases Of Sudden Death: Are We Stupid Or Are We Just Being Treated As If We’re Stupid? [VIDEO]

Red Voice Media Published June 13, 2022

News and Commentary

"The only new thing in the world that we're not allowed to discuss, absolutely not allowed to discuss, far less point accusatory fingers at, is the mass vaccination program."

By Zach Heilman
June 13, 2022

While parents all over the world have been horrified to learn about SIDS, which is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, not many have heard about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). Although it might not be as popular, it has seen a drastic increase over the last few years as more and more young adults and athletes are mysteriously dying. What makes the rise in SADS even more alarming was the fact, as mentioned above, some cases are being seen in healthy athletes while they are on the field. Doctors and experts have been hesitant to explain the surge, but some are contributing SADS to individuals with a weakened immune system and the COVID-19 drug.

In the video, which is featured below, Neil Oliver discussed SADS and the mysteries surrounding it. He said, “According to the Royal Australian College of GPs, it occurs most commonly in people under 40. This is properly scary. I don’t mind telling you. Healthy young people are going to their beds in the evening and not waking up ever again, or otherwise going about their everyday business and dropping dead for no identifiable medical reason. The best anyone in the health professions can apparently do is describe it as mysterious, baffling even, that there are people under 40 dropping in the traces for no known cause.”

Explaining SADS in athletes, Oliver added, “At the same time around the world, there have been reports of many hundreds of sportsmen and women dying suddenly and unexpectedly in the past year. superfit individuals uniquely focused on their own health killing over dead often on the field of play. Here at home, we have had updated information campaigns about how important it is to be aware of the incidence of heart attacks and strokes. It has been deemed appropriate to remind us as well that heart attacks are not unknown in children. It’s almost as if we’re not to be unduly alarmed by the sight of passers-by dropping to the knees and clutching their chests.”

While doctors might be cautious, Oliver suggested that SADS could be a direct result of the COVID-19 drug. “There’s a poster campaign about a rise in the number of cases of shingles. The small print on the posters mentioned shingles may strike people with lowered immune systems. Deaths have been attributed by coroners to the COVID vaccines. The numbers are disputed, but people have died on account of the jabs that much at least is undeniable. Around the world, there are millions of cases of alleged adverse reactions to the jabs. Lives severely compromised.”

Oliver didn’t shy away from the fact that numerous governments have constantly silenced those who spoke against the COVID-19 agenda. “In the midst of one report after another of otherwise unexplained sudden deaths in the past 18 months or so, the only emergent variable, the only new thing in the world that we’re not allowed to discuss, absolutely not allowed to discuss, far less point accusatory fingers at, is the mass vaccination program. Again, I asked the question I posed at the top of this piece. Are we stupid, or are we just being treated as if we’re stupid? Which is it?”

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