Dr Peter Breggin: The Globalists Are The Predators And We Are The Prey

2 years ago

The Two Mikes spoke today with Dr. Peter R. Breggin, MD, a renowned psychiatrist and a leader in the campaign to explain the great danger posed to Americans by Covid vaccinations.

Dr. Breggin said the threat from progressive Globalism is real and lethal, that the members of the movement are "predators", and the deadly threat they pose to mankind is clear and irrefutable.

"Anything the Globalists threaten," Dr. Breggin said, referring to pandemics, "is a charade ... the vaccines are a real and mortal threat to Americans, and ought to be feared far more than any of the so-called pandemics they are threatened with."

Dr. Breggin also described the astoundingly close relationships between Communist China and the West's businessmen, capitalists, bankers, politicians, and other elite individuals, apparently none of whom had any qualms about associating that China was built on the bodies of the 100 million Chinese who were killed by Mao. Among the well-known Americans who are joined at the hip with Beijing are Mike Bloomberg and Bill Gates.

Dr. Breggin said he believed that the Globalists and the Democrats are increasingly seen as predators by Americans, and that recognition is becoming a factor that can unite them to oppose Globalism.

The key to saving America, he added, is to overwhelm the midterm-election poll stations with so many anti-Globalists, anti-Democrat voters to insure the return of the House and Senate to the hands of patriots. That is, if the republic can survive until the mid-terms.

Dr. Breggin's book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey available at Amazon, most book sellers, and at: https://www.wearetheprey.com 

Dr. Breggin's website: https://wwwbreggin.com

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