CONTACT 03 – Annax the Egaroth on the Orion Wars and the dark insider programs. (Jan 24th 2022)

2 years ago

Annax explains the difference between the Orion Council of Nine and the Nine Collective. He summarizes the Orion wars and tells how the Black League was created, and his implications in it.
Our favorite Egaroth, whom I have the unique privilege to call my star father, as he mixed some of his DNA to mine throughout my grandmother, conveys a very specific warning. He brings our attention towards some dark insiders pretending to be in contact with him, and who may bring messages, or write, on his behalf. Annax wants us to know that these are programmed impersonators carrying an agenda, and that for important reasons of clarity, he communicates only through me. He reminds us that all envoys are in personal contact with their galactic group, and he encourages to find that connection within.
In these times when the enemy tries to force back in, we must be extremely cautious. Annax invites us not to follow anyone but our higher self, and stand up in our sovereignty.
This is not a channeling; I am reading my notes dictated by Annax.

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