ETHIOPIA : "ሃገር ለመታደግ እዘምታለኹ" ማለቱን ተከትሎ | ከ Sky News ጋር | ሻለቃ ኃይሌ ገ/ሥላሴ ያደረገው ❗እጅግ አስገራሚ❗ ቃለ መጠይቅ

3 years ago

"ኢትዮጵያ የምትጠበቀው በእግዚአብሔር ነው"

John spark SKY News in Addis Ababa with
Haile Gebreselassie

but I have a problem if someone wanted to put down My #Ethiopia, my country, the rising of the people here in Ethiopia, it's really amazing.

i'm a major in police .That's why don't be surprised if I were holding a delta weapon because I already have a weapon.

but I have a problem if someone wanted to put down My Ethiopia, my country, the rising of the people here in Ethiopia, it's really amazing.

Isn't there a danger that a lot of the people who were now preparing to go to the front that they end up getting killed.

Do they have any other choice? No, if there is no Ethiopia, what is the next step.

Would you go to the front? Would you fight?

well, I told you, I told you. Do you have any other choice? tell me if ther is no just a choice, yeah.

with #Americans over 100 years, #usa German over 100 years, France over one hundred years, many countries over 100 years
but if that meant picking up a weapon a Gun?

#world #africa #skynews

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