27 April 2022: New FB group - Intro to Open Canada Data "Excess Death Tracker" App (on ivim.ca/app)

2 years ago

This is a live recording from the first meetup of our newly created Facebook
Open Canada Data group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1100881360473245) that happened yesterday.

There I 'm showing how to open the "Excess Death Tracker" App (from www.ivim.ca/app), where it reads data (from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310081001)
how to make your selections (provinces and causes of deaths using the menu) and what you can observe (no excess of Total deaths after vaccination in Quebec, however very large excess of Total deaths in Atlantic, and also many in West provinces)

Sorry for video quality. We did not plan to record our facebook event originally. Treat this video as teaser for tomorrow Friday's seminar. Join us there at www.ivim.ca/data/seminar

We'll talk more tomorrow about this app and many observations we can make using this app about Excess Deaths: before vaccination and after vaccination, in each Canadian province, and also for various deaths group.
E.g it appeared that practically all excess deaths in New Brunswick were in under 45 population

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