2022-03-25: Analyzing Vaccine Side Effects - Part 2: How to compute weekly stats. Variation by Age

2 years ago

This is the second part of the discussion with Jason Morphett on Vaccine Side Effects Analysis, recorded on 2022-03-25 via Zoom in Ottawa.
In this part, we' analyze the number of complications from COVID vaccine (including deaths) for various age groups, using data from US, UK and Canada, and compare it that from COVID infection.

As noted in last week's seminar, Data gathered by various governments (including Canadian PHAC data) point to the fact that starting from summer 2021 young people (under 40 and esp. under 20) get more heath complications from COVID vaccine than from Covid infection. We'll show the exact numbers and how they are derived.

Q&A from the Zoom chat:
Q: IF somebody dies within a week or 2 after vaccine, how is that death counted, as unvaxxed or (partially/fully) vaxxed???
A: In the UK, they are counted as unvaccinated until over 2 weeks
A: In Canada and US too.

Additional data on effect C19 vaccines on children:
‘Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?’, Toxicology Reports, Volume 8, 2021, Pages 1665-1684, ISSN 2214-7500 (14 September 2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.08.010

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[ 1 ] COVID-19 Daily Epidemiology Update, Public Health Agency of Canada
Archives: web.archive.org (www.ivim.ca/data/phac1)

[ 2 ] Canadian COVID-19 vaccination safety report, Public Health Agency of Canada, https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/
Spreadsheet: https://www.ivim.ca/data

[ 3 ] https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions

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