"Now You're Interfering" Trooper Carabello. Owned. Takes Drive Of Sh@me. Mass State Police. Revere.

3 years ago

This was on Tuesday November 24th 2020 at approximately 13:31. How is riding my bike down revere beach and noticed a How is riding my bike down revere beach and noticed a Massachusetts state trooper blocking across walk making it impossible for any person with a wheelchair Walker or even walking assistance such as a cane to safely get on to the sidewalk.

I decided to stop and document this, within seconds he asked if he could help me. i asked for his name and badge number and his ego kicked in instantly. Our interaction got into a back and forth, how do you all think that went for him??

Please let me know what you think of the interaction down below in the comment section. I greatly appreciate all the comments and support!!! Donations are humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!

Ist Time At Revere Barracks Full Video: https://youtu.be/EZ7H33F4dco

Trooper Yem Sh!t List Full Video: https://youtu.be/RD0rLdwIjjk
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