Minerals provide the surest form of security in the oil industry

2 years ago

Several people have come to me with drilling and rework deals that are popping up everywhere now that oil is $100 a barrel.

If you are an individual not in the Oil & Gas industry, I would say to take a pause.
When you invest in a drilling deal most often you are buying a unit in a Joint Venture or some other type of entity. In these cases, you actually do not own the well which brings all types of additional risks. Unless you can read seismic, well logs, AFEs, LOEs and know how to make decisions in the field, I suggest staying away…far, far away!

In the past I have heard of people sending Uncle Sam the tax savings they thought they earned by investing in a drilling deal which really adds insult to injury when the joint venture never sends out any revenue.

My advice is to leave the high-risk drilling to the big boys.

Even Viper energy, a billion-dollar mineral company said they own minerals property because
“Mineral Ownership provides the surest form of security in the oil industry”

If you would like to know more on how you can take advantage of a Royalty income from a producing Mineral property, be sure to contact us at your convenience. Just visit our website link below for the contact information.

We offer FREE reviews if you are evaluating an oil well drilling or re-work deal.

Give us a call or send us an email.
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This video is meant for educational or entertainment purposes only. This video is not a solicitation. I am not a lawyer, CPA or financial advisor and I am not giving legal, financial or tax advice.

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