Unity & Emuna Weekly Class with Truth or Controversy by Eli G!

3 years ago

As we approach the special light and #Emuna Flow of Chanukah we tune in together to the truth with an Emuna Focus, not A Controversy mindset! The focus is in our flow is the Emuna Soul level both in learning our Garden of Emuna Series books, Emuna music, and online universal inclusive communication! We have posted here our Emuna Classes - Soulful Money, Soulful Music & Soulful Torah while we work on our general Emuna Online Tour, with the Toronto Community up next and Chazaq online events through Chanukah with Emuna! The key is standing up for the truth (Yaakov Avinu) with the light of Peace (Aaron Hakohen)!

We welcome setting up meetings direct with Rav Arush by Zoom or Whatsapp & to join our #emunaclasses! Just like Toronto this Sunday 29th Nov (live-link - https://youtu.be/iYHWGB52l-k) & Chazaq every night #Chanukah, you and your Community can bring Rav Arush to your events via our online #EmunaTour! B'H

Listen to our #UnitedSoulsCollaborationAlbum #1 - Out Now - http://sptfy.com/unitedsouls!

Join our #collabalbum #2 #unitedsouls -UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com!
Here is my new company page - https://www.linkedin.com/company/unity-inspires-projects
Thank you all for connecting - Eli Goldsmith from Jerusalem!

Please click on our Midnightrabbi inspired blog http://midnightabbi1eligoldsmith.wordpress.com/ - umuse613@gmail.com email here! Your recommendation!

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