Miracles of the Tilma with Frater Giaovanni

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

How Our Lady converted millions of pagans... and how she could do it again! Frater Giovanni joins us.
Gas Prices Soar to Record High for 14th Consecutive Day, over $5 Per Gallon
Far-left activist group Ruth Sent Us implored its followers to unleash protests at the church and home of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. The pro-abortion activist group hinted at targeting Barrett's children.
Jan. 6 Bombshell: Sen. Chuck Schumer’s team received FBI intel about possible violence on Jan. 6 and they Didn't pass that info on to the Capitol Police.
A senior artificial intelligence (AI) software engineer at Google has claimed that the company’s AI robotics system has become sentient and has thoughts and feelings.

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