20220613 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

Congress is out of control.
I'm Peter Serefine with today's Liberty Minute.
Members of the Jan. 6 committee believe they’ve uncovered enough evidence to indict former President Donald Trump, according to the Associated Press.
The Department of Justice completed its investigation into Trump's alleged involvement in the storming of the Capitol a long time ago and did not bring charges against the former President.
That wasn't good enough for Congress. They launched their own, clearly partisan, investigation and now think they can indict Donald Trump.
The Constitution does not grant Congress investigative or law enforcement authority. The purpose of Congress is to pass laws that the executive branch is supposed to enforce.
After two failed impeachment attempts, Congress is just going to take over the job of law enforcement. Well, if that is the case, enforce immigration law while you're at it.
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Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

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