2 years ago

In prerevolutionary Russia. Peasants and townsfolk enjoy songs, dances, and revelry, led by a band with a leader that is a double for Jazz conductor Paul Whitefied. In a showstopper, a quartet sings "Wake up the Gypsy in Me" and a little Gypsy (Romany) girl sings and dances up a storm. A populist bomber sneaks into the palace, while Rice-Puddin', the mad monk (parodying Rasputin), cheat at a jigsaw puzzle. He views the activity in the gypsy camp and orders a cossack to fetch the gypsy girl. He preys on the girl, who is screaming. Hearing this people rise up. The revolution causes the Mad Mon k to flee on a long-eared horse or mule, but a populist stuffs a bomb into Rice-Puddin's pants just as he turns his horse into a helicopter. It explodes and turns the MadMonk into Mohandas Gandhi. It is not a coincidence that RASPUTIN AND THE EMPRESS was areleased a few month before.

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