Look what we found at our Pennsylvania homestead: The Eastern Fence Lizard

2 years ago

(Scientific Name: Sceloporus undulates)

This is an eastern fence lizard. He is one of the critters we see at our homestead, and I was finally able to video and take pictures of one, so I wanted to share. Usually they are not into being photographed, but this guy was a ham about it. I actually think he was enjoying the limelight.

Eastern fence lizards grow to about 4-7 inches in length. They like open habitats within the forest areas such as rock slides, clear cuts, rocky outcrops near water, and quarry faces. They are gray to brown in color and have rough scales that overlap. The females are grayer in color with wavy black marks. The males are more brownish with blue patches down their sides. I think this one is a male because I spied some blue on him.

For more information: https://www.paherps.com/herps/lizards-skinks/fence_lizard/


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Pioneer Mountain Homestead
16477 Sharman Lane
James Creek, PA 16657
"Embracing Everything Farm and Forest"

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