Wrestling with Ski Presents: Justins Wrestling Roulette Episode 1 - To New Beginnings

2 years ago

Today, we are turning a new leaf at Wrestling with Ski. We are starting a whole new show for Wrestling with Ski and I'm placing control in the hands of Justin to see if he can catch me off guard. It is a show that is based on him and engagement from the crowd. We discuss so much in the new show from many topics to include Roman Reigns, Thunder Rose, Riddle, The Judgement Day, Cody Rhodes, Broken Skull Beers, and so many others. Please listen to it and comment so we know what you think and where to go with it for the monthly live show we are planning on FB. We appreciate it and look forward to your feedback and making this something special and outstanding on stuff that includes some of the main current stories. We want this to be the most engaging and fun show that you can find.

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