IQH: Lyra Orion Pleiades History, Solstice Christmas Activations

3 years ago

During this session, the client learns about her legacy in the Milky Way galaxy and her role in helping the Earth's ascension process. The client's Higher Consciousness shares about "the event" and how repeated events over a span of time create full freedom and ascension for all of humanity.

The information, channeled through the client under hypnosis, describes two "events" that symbolize a weighing of the heart of the individual and humanity as a whole. This description aligns with the ascension processes of ancient Egypt. When the soul left the physical body, their heart was weighed against the Feather of Truth to see if the soul was ready to move out of the entrapment of endless reincarnation or graduate to the next level of Service and Ascension. These dates align with the December 21st Solstice and Christmas Morning, the celebrated day of the birth of the Christ Child.

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