AVOID Unnatural, Harmful Eyesight (Vision) Methods, False Eyesight Improvement Teachers!

2 years ago

AVOID Unnatural, Harmful Eyesight Methods and teachers, books, videos that use and endorse them. This video tells the TRUTH about false (fake) eyesight improvement teachers that sell unnatural methods. They state that they are teaching The Bates' Method of Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement, but in reality they are NOT! They are using unnatural, harmful methods. AVOID THEM! Many peoples' eyes, vision have been injured by these unnatural methods, teachers. Over the years many people have contacted our office, school asking for help after their eyes, vision have been injured by FAKE eyesight improvement teachers selling unnatural, harmful methods. Watch this video to learn how to AVOID unnatural, harmful methods. These unnatural methods are NOT Dr. (Ophthalmologist) William H. Bates' method. He is AGAINST the use of these unnatural, harmful methods. This is a short video. The next video will be 1 hour and go into detail exposing corrupt teachers, Unnatural, Harmful methods. These videos protect you; enable you to DETECT and AVOID Unnatural, Harmful Eyesight Methods. A new PDF and 1 hour video on this subject will be created and placed on the website and YouTube in 2022-2023; https://cleareyesight-batesmethod.inf... https://cleareyesight-batesmethod.info/

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