Scientists create artificial skin that allows robots to feel pain

2 years ago

You know what? Robots aren’t suffering enough. Luckily, researchers at the University of Glasgow are on hand to help with that, with the development of a new type of artificial skin that can feel pain. The team behind the invention reports that a mechanical hand covered with the new ‘skin’ learned extraordinarily quickly to respond to negative stimuli, such as jabbing its palm with a sharp object.
The electronic skin, which draws inspiration from the human nervous system, allows for robots to avoid processing delays that occur with current touch-sensitivity. The team believes this could pave the way for robots capable of interacting in new ways, or even prosthetic limbs with almost human-like levels of sensitivity.
So robots might be able to feel pain from, say, stepping on a LEGO, but they’re probably still some way away from the existential dread brought on by watching interpretive dance videos on TikTok. Lucky robots.

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