2 years ago

Parsha Naso has 176 verses, making it the longest of all the parashiyot. Yet in the closing lines of Chapter Six we read some of the most significant verses in the Bible. You all know it, you hear it every week.

‘Adonai bless you and keep you! Adonai make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you! Adonai turn His face toward you and grant you shalom!’ (Numbers 6:24-26)

This is among the most ancient of all prayer texts. It was used by the priests in the Temple. In mainstream Judaism, it is said today by the rabbis in the reader’s repetition of the Amidah, in Israel every day, in most of the Diaspora only on festivals. It is used by parents as they bless their children on Friday night. It is often said to the bride and groom under the chuppah. It is the simplest and most beautiful of all blessings.

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