Tr!ggered Tyr@nt Goes For Camera. Gets Educated On 1st Amendment. Boston Medical Center. Boston Mass

4 years ago

I was riding passed the Boston medical center hospital in Boston Massachusetts, on Thursday December 3rd 2020 at approximately 11:56. When noticed they were having a drive up and walk up flu vacc!ne clinic for BMC patients.

I decided to Stop and take some pictures and video of the set up they had. Within minutes I had a reaction from one of the nurses. She told me I was not allowed film her after she approached me. Soon the public safety officers or security officers for the hospital approached me.

The one that seemed most triggered was named Turner badge 242 . This triggered tyrant Has no idea what de-escalation is and is very short tempered. She also has no idea what the 1st amendment is and/or Hippa law.

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