Most People Never Hear The Truth

2 years ago

In 2016 the popularity of Trump was so enormous that he won the elections despite the unprecedented media war against him. The Deep State was caught off guard, but were determined not to make this mistake a second time. During a World Economic Forum conference the world renowned billionaire criminal and public enemy George Soros stated:

‘Clearly, I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world. But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020.’

A clearer statement could not have been made about their plans. Indeed, in 2020 the Deep State positioned their preferred puppet - a body double for the late Joe Biden - who was hardly able to capture the hearts of the American people. Those that voted for him, only did so because Trump wasn’t an option, due to the intense hate campaigns that had filled their hearts with disgust. But any intelligent person knew Biden stood no chance.

A guy who can’t talk straight, forgets who he is, where he is, and what he is supposed to say, and who shouts at empty chairs during his campaigns?

Yet, when the elections came, something happened that shook America to the core. The demented actor ‘won’, with more votes than any other president in all of American history!

The National Guard had to put up fences and deploy massive military presence around Washington DC to keep the angry Americans out, who knew this elections was rigged. Whenever this so-called ‘elected’ president posted something on YouTube, there were so many dislikes that YouTube ended up removing the option to dislike videos all together, to hide the disapproval of the American people. Professional commenters were hired, and bots were deployed, to post positive reactions on social media, to create the illusion that Biden is 'loved' by the people. Recently it was revealed that half of Biden's so called followers on Twitter are fake accounts (bots used for propaganda).

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