"The principles of decision making on my body are more important than any title" | Novaxx Djokovic

2 years ago

Video from February, 2022.

Based on both his words and his actions, elite professional tennis athlete Novak Djokovic is a proponent of:

- Freedom of choice and bodily integrity to either opt in or opt out of any medical treatment. "My body, my choice; Your body, YOUR choice." And not like tyrants are claiming: "My body, my choice; Your body, MY choice."

- Real, integral health based on the pillars of diet, lifestyle and environment, not (just) pharmaceutical products. If you have real health, you (almost) never need pharmaceutical products. If you have shoddy health due to shoddy diet, lifestyle and environment, pharmaceutical products are not going to help you much in most cases, and are going to hurt you in many.

- Independent critical thinking and behavior based on real facts, real science, and real logic. This includes keeping an open mind at all times to all perspectives. It includes considering all options, which means refraining from the words "always" or "never" in choosing specific options.

- Courage and strength to do what is right, to stand up for your convictions, principles and integrity

- The right to privacy, including medical privacy

- Understanding ALL consequences of your decisions and paying the price that needs to be paid. If caving in to vaxx coercion to be able to play tennis means possibly getting seriously injured or killed and also agreeing to medical tyranny with your actions, then foregoing tennis may be the right decision. The price of not being able to play tennis is less than the price of possibly lethal or permanent bodily harm and medical and non-medical tyranny. He says it quite well: "The principles of decision making on my body are more important than any title or anything else." 👏

Djokovic is probably opposed to any kind of coercion, whether it be "No sex, no job" or "No vaxx, job". Tyranny, including medical tyranny, is bad and should never be tolerated.

He's probably also opposed to any kind of unjustified discrimination, whether it be based on the color of your skin, religion, sexual orientation, country of origin, caste, or medical status.

NB: One of the definitions of the word 'discriminate' is to "recognize a distinction; differentiate". There are also justified forms of discrimination. Djokovic being allowed to play at elite tennis tournaments while others are not, is an example of justified discrimination, because he has the required skills while others do not.

To paraphrase dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Judge a man not by his vaccination status, but by the content of his character.” King did not say to never discriminate. He said to discriminate on the basis of the right criteria, not the wrong criteria.

I completely disagree with Novak's statement, "an end soon to this virus". Just like you can't "end" the earth from turning and the wind from blowing, you can't "end" a respiratory virus. You'll have to live with it. While you can't end a virus, you can certainly end a disease such as COVID.

This is possible with (ideally) a combination of: adequate ventilation (CO2 level < 1000 ppm), optimal humidity (40-60%), adequate vitamin D blood level (> 50 ng/ml), healthy diet/lifestyle, early intensive combination treatment if you get sick, and voluntary protection of the high risk group.

Djokovic says that "vaccination was probably the biggest effort [to end this virus], probably half of the planet was vaccinated". The mass injection campaign may be the "biggest effort", but from a medical perspective it certainly was neither necessary, nor safe, nor effective.

The interviewer may not (want to?) understand the essential difference pro-choice with anti-vaxx. The so-called "anti-vaccination campaigners" are more likely to be "pro-choice campaigners" and "anti genetic COVID vaccination campaigners".



Recommended: Read the comments on YouTube. There are thousands of comments full of admiration and respect for Djokovic' choice to stand up against tyranny.

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