Trevor Hamberger brings down the entire system of evil all at once using nutrition

2 years ago
The combination to health is this. You must consume a low calorie diet and you must make sure you pack as high of a nutrient content as you can into that low daily calorie count. Within this nutrient count you must make sure you take the entirety of the 90 essential nutrients ( Fasting in some form on a regular basis is a requirement of health due to the goal of caloric restriction being essential to a long life

Within this low calorie count, high nutrient diet you must seek to obtain the widest array of phytonutrients, bioflavanoids, and other similar compounds that you possibly can while maintaining strict adherence to the "mighty 90 nutrient" principles. The only way to follow this diet is to obtain a quality source of trace minerals. Youngevity gets the best in the world in this department. These trace minerals that you dont get in your food EVER is the source of all of your woes physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. You are addicted to your food because you dont get trace minerals. The very first day you take trace minerals you will change your life because you will know what was missing.

The only other health goals out side of what I just said are you have to make sure to have a 100% strict life long adherance to never again eating the problematic foods ( For me personally I get deathly ill nearly instantly from the foods normal people eat. I get back the feeling of fog that plagued my life until I found Dr Wallach. He set me free. After you have done the diet and the nutrients you want to focus on antioxidants. the goal for all people is a minimum of 20,000 ORAC points a day. You should strive for over 100,000 ORAC points a day. I'll let you in on a little secret. A 2 glass serving of cabernet sauvignon gives you roughly 8000 ORAC points. but theres glyphosate in most wines so thats cancelled out. If we change the food supply system and take our freedom back we can cancel that and drink all the wine we want. You won't get sloppy drunk when your nutrition is on point. Trust me on this one. And another secret is this. A nice quality dark chocolate bar (aka not hersheys) will give you about 5000 orac points per square. It depends on the quality of the chocolate. The joke I always made about the sheeple of the world is that my chocolate bar has 10 times the antioxdants as your salad. Your salad is actually putting you into an early grave because you put dressing on it. And one last secret is that the supplement company dr wallach created. Well, they sell these awesome little pills. They cost like 90 cents each now (thanks Joey). Each one gives you 40,000 ORAC points alone, plus tons of other multi vitamins and minerals and other things. To try to match this nutritional content anywhere else for 92 cents is absurdly impossible. It literally cannot be done. It'd be like trying to punch out God. At least until my company is competing in the market.

Full lecture:

I go in on the world around you. I cover everything here. literally. all the worlds problems are over if you listen to me. I can't figure out how to get my full recording in the video but i will soon and reupload with the full picture if I can get it to work. I can't really remake this. I just one take everything I make.

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