American Patriots violate Governors Curfew Attacked by Punks but they soon regret attacking

3 years ago

PLEASE READ THIS BELOW: Here is what happened. There is a web site called and they list public protests of American patriots who are fed up with Governor Gavin Newsom. I happen to be one of these people that are fed up. When I pulled up to the protest I noticed a silver car with 3 hispanic men inside hurling insults at the patriot group. Then they hurled full beer cans at the group hitting at least one of the patriots. Someone in our group hurled back the thrown beer can and it dented the car with the 3 angry men in it. The 3 men then pulled into the parking lot very angry. I knew something was about to go down so I scrambled to turn on my Gopro Camera. To my shock and amazement one of the men rushed a woman in our group and punched her in the side of her head. Soon another 1 of the 3 men, the same one that punched the woman, assaulted one of the m en in our group but the patriot dropped the guy with a defensive punch. The police always patrol these events as hate for Trump and America is very powerful in California. So sure enough I spotted a police suv and flagged him down. Soon 3 police cars were there and the police asked to see my Gopro footage. The Gopro footage lead to an arrest of the driver and the person who assaulted our group. It also appeared they had more open cans of beer in the car. Their car was also towed from the scene.
Keep those cameras rolling. It will help protect "your side of the story".

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