Biden is the Scumbag in Chief ( blocked on youtube )

2 years ago

When listening to Biden talk about how he, wasn't responsible for the high inflation. Any economist will tell you government causes inflation. I've decided to call Biden, " The Scumbag in Chief" ( merch links and ), I base this on when he was in office, he did a quid pro quo , when he made Ukraine fire the people investigating a company his son was a part of, that's scumbag behavior. Even though he's scum, along with most Democrats and all Rinos, the issues we face can be fixed. 1) Bring back keystone pipe line, all oil leases, and pass a law, that for a period of not less than 30 yrs, there will be no new restricts on fossil/organic fuels( fossil is wrong, since we know oil is made from plants not dinosaurs), and no pressure on banks not to lend money to producers of energy, this will create a stable market and lower prices within weeks. 2)Remove all covid ( ) mandates and restrictions, many people are being fired because they won't get the vaccine, which doesn't work and has at least 10 pages, maybe more of adverse side effects. Vaccines work when they prevent people from getting disease and spreading it, treatments keep you from getting sick from disease, removing covid mandates ( ) nationwide, will keep more people employed and our armed forces stable, also in Cal, remove restrictions on what kind of truck can carry products, right now its limited to very new truck, it should be any truck in sound condition, more trucks means less backlog, and less inflation as more goods, chase dollars 3) Finish the wall, we paid for it, why waste all that money and material, to hurt America,( just so Democrats can control everything with overwhelming numbers, that's a scumbag move) put the citizens 1st, not party( ) , don't be like CCP. Wall will reduce crime and deaths from drugs, and its not fair to all the people who stood in line, for crooks to take their spot. In regards to illegal aliens, just obey the law, and fire people who provide them access to things only citizens should have, if Biden did this, (and I don't think he will) he would be akin to Clinton ( Bill, not Hillary, Bill was bad, but Hillary is just evil, my opinion, can't prove anything, so no need for me to hang/shoot myself) when he passed things that made the country better, over his party( ) and won a second term. Since we know Biden and the scumbag Democrats & Rino's won't fix anything, we need to put Trump in office because he will actually fix things and because he can't run again, he won't hold back.

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