12 Gauge Shooting (Used to scare off poachers...NEVER to hurt our furry friends).

4 years ago

I had to do a little shooting (in a safe direction) to remind some tree poachers that this was probably the wrong place to steal timber from. They packed up pretty quickly (no, I was not shooting at them...just near them ;) FYI...I am not a hunter nor do I enjoy the idea of hunting...I'd rather that the animals, even the terrifyingly large black bears, co-exist. All of my weapons, tactics, and training are what I use to deter human criminals, animal & tree poachers, and admittedly, to scare off more aggressive wild life by firing a few shots in the air. But I will be showing more videos on with firearms as I feel they are necessary in extremely remote areas like ours...better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.

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