#12DAYSOFDIGIS2020 day 7 Santa in Blue and Red

3 years ago

Playlist :
to get the freebies that Cara is offering with this collaboration
Cara Brandon’s Facebook Group
Today is Day 7 in the 12 days of digis2020. Dearjuliejulie and Cara Brandon Creations have collaborated and each has created 12 pages of Christmas themed digitals. Its exciting to see all the different ideas and styles as elves all over the world come together to create with these awesome creations from the files so stick around and join in the fun

We are in day 7 of the new challenge for the dearjuliejulie December free for all with simple rules junk journal challenge with the finishers all being invited to a VIP and receiving a free digital kit from dearjuliejulie so join in on that too if you can this is the link to the challenge video
Links to Etsy Listings for the digitals

Dearjuliejulie: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Flisting%2F628404953%2Fdigital-12-days-christmas-digitals-kit%3Fga_search_query%3D12%252Bdays%26ref%3Dshop_items_search_1%26pro%3D1&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUQ4VEp5Z05kckF6eC1Xc3VsZjNkMF9zdGN3Z3xBQ3Jtc0trYjZuQkpZZUlxNmEyVXVtMGE1bDB3LXJrMGpvMi1EajB4djFnWHJUc3l3QlZZR2w4SjBkclRpdVhpZXlxaXgxZ1BJUm5GWWZnT2xlVlBLb1o5Vk90VW1jejdQcXFCcVI2QnhFR2N4M3pYU1d4Q3MzYw%3D%3D&event=video_description&v=8oKkXcFtoag

CaraBrandonCreations: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Flisting%2F911977497%2F12-days-of-digitals-christmas-tags%3Fga_search_query%3D12%252Bdays%26ref%3Dshop_items_search_1%26pro%3D1&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa19QT3ZMeEtIUGFoTHpTWWY1cFlTSnFiQllwUXxBQ3Jtc0tuT20zLUdKV2J5MjZnR0g0ZUU1LWl2eGpTa1FJMWRiRjJnc2hqMkIwZnR6SEVrb2xvOG0xUllyQk5DVm44SjBUalVWM1lJRFRkc19OS1ZHVUFQeDBnZUxYeFluZmpGUlRsbkJiWXo4UUNlQnhCUkIwbw%3D%3D&event=video_description&v=8oKkXcFtoag
Links to Youtube channels
Kelly’s Creative Dreams
Gillian Fargo –
DivaZ Russell –
Marcy Davis –


Handmade by Gardina

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